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Real-time network status for Steam. Can’t play your games? Is the service down? Here you see what is going on.

CS:GO – Competitive Cooldowns and Bans. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive cooldowns and bans are non-negotiable and cannot be removed or reduced by Steam Support. If an automated cooldown or ban is determined to have been issued incorrectly, it will automatically be rolled back by our servers. If you wish to discuss this system with the community, you may do so.

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CS:GO – Competitive Cooldowns and Bans. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive cooldowns and bans are non-negotiable and cannot be removed or reduced by Steam Support. If an automated cooldown or ban is determined to have been issued incorrectly, it will automatically be rolled back by our servers. If you wish to discuss this system with the community, you may do so.

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In CS:S it was possible to Jump with SPACE and MWHEELUP (Scroll). And i played since 4 Years with this Jump how can i change it in CS:GO.

Do i need any CFG command ?? cuz in Option it dont work to change Jump into . MWHEELUP and SPACE .Sorry for my bad English but i hope that u understand what i mean 🙂 Greetz !! 😀 < > Showing 1-15 of 205 comments . Anon. Oct 1, 2012 @.

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Is CS:GO down? Check the current Steam server status of services including competitive matchmaking, player inventories, Steam community and more using the CS:GO Server Status.

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Commands, help and the CFG file for the mousewheel jump bind in CS:GO, as well as binds for mouse wheel up only, mouse wheel down only, default (space bar jump & weapon scrolling) and scroll jump with no space.

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) 01/2020 Deutsch: "Counter Strike Global Offensive", die Neuauflage des bekannten Taktik-Shooters, setzt auf neue Spielmodi und ein ausgeklügeltes.

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